Touchless Payments –

Touchless Payments –

At Pure Processing, we understand the importance of providing safe and secure payment options for both merchants and consumers during the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, we are proud to offer a range of touchless payment options, by using NFC (Near Field Communication) technology, which has seen a significant increase in popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Not only do these options promote safety and hygiene, they also help to reduce chargeback disputes, providing added peace of mind for our merchants! In addition to NFC cards, we also accept all other varieties of contactless payment options such as Apple Pay, Google, Samsung and Android Pay digital wallets.  These are very secure payment methods resulting in lower interchange fees!

Pure Processing is dedicated to providing our merchants with the most innovative and cost-effective payment solutions in the market. You’ll be able to better serve your customers, increase your sales and support your employees and customers – all while keeping interchange rates low!